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Collaborative Business Innovator

Favoreça o trabalho de equipa, melhore a execução do projeto e acelere o processo de inovação com o 3DEXPERIENCE.

O Collaborative Business Innovator é um Role do 3DEXPERIENCE cujas aplicações e serviços são capazes de interligar os vários membros de cada departamento, clientes e fornecedores. Esta funcionalidade permite à equipa criar dashboards and communities to share information and communicate on a single platform, which encourages collaboration, agility and accelerates market presence.


Benefits of Collaborative Business Innovator

  • Storage and sharing of any type of files;

  • Creation of communities and knowledge sharing;
  • Centralization of information;
  • Search for data instantly;
  • Management and sharing of information between various internal and external stakeholders.

All information on a single platform

Information is the key element of any business.

It must be handled effectively and expeditiously in order to avoid leakage or misrepresentation. Collaborative Business Innovator enables you to quickly and securely create environments to share product development information with staff and customers.

Keep your product development process up to date, with the team informed about the entire process, by sharing images, videos and other CAD files.

3DExperience - interface

Collaborate through Communities

Create communities where you can easily share and collaborate on ideas for your projects.

Share information in real timel, interact with the ideas and inputs provided by various stakeholders and create and assign tasksdirectly within your community.

Send files with 3DDrive and view files with 3DPlay.

Collaborative Business Innovator

Collaborative Business Innovator

